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Subject Topic: Outlook Synchronization Problem Post Reply Post New Topic
View bsiwak's ProfileSearch for other posts by bsiwakQuote bsiwakSend Private MessageAdd to Buddy List
bsiwakon 21 July 2003 at 6:53am - IP Logged
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20 July 2003
2 Posts

Currently have version 5.1 build 570. Whenever I try to synch with outlook, I receive the following error message.

'p->QueryInterface(GetIID(),(LPVOID*)(&intf))':No such interface supported :\program files\borland\cbuilder6\include\vcl\utilcls.h/3069

Press [Y]es to terminate, [N]o to continue, [C]ancel to debug

If I hit the N button, the sychronization continues, however, the error message appears about 5 times during the synchronization process & the N button must be entered every time. The synchronization does appear to work aftering going through all the error messages.

Please advise.


Barry Siwak

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adminon 21 July 2003 at 11:28am - IP Logged
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29 March 2001
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I think it might have something to do with recurring events in Outlook. Right now ManagePro does not sync over any recurring events that were first created before today.  Even though events are continuing on into the future, ManagePro looks at the first date of the recurring event and if it is in the past it will not sync it over.  The answer is to simply remove your current recurring events in Outlook and re-enter them starting with today’s date or a date in the future.  Now sync and they will come over into ManagePro.  See if this gets rid of the error message.



View bsiwak's ProfileSearch for other posts by bsiwakQuote bsiwakSend Private MessageAdd to Buddy List
bsiwakon 21 July 2003 at 9:01pm - IP Logged
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20 July 2003
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Unfortunately, I cannot test your solution. I work in an corporate environment using MS Exchange and receive recurring meeting notifications from many sources. As I am not the originator of these requests, I am not allowed to "re-enter" or edit them. I do know that these error messages were not present in some of the earlier versions of the product.

Barry Siwak

View admin's ProfileSearch for other posts by adminQuote adminSend Private MessageAdd to Buddy List
adminon 22 July 2003 at 8:57am - IP Logged
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Forum Admin
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United States
29 March 2001
181 Posts
call me at 510-235-7593.

Gary Bridges - Tech Support


Another possibility is that there are some bad Sync ID numbers in ManagePro.  The way to fix that is to clean out all the sync ID's and start over with a fresh sync.  There are several steps involved with that so it would be best to contact me directly at

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