ManagePro Deployment Service

Take full advantage or your investment in  ManagePro

It is every executive or manager's concern that their team will embrace and utilize purchased software as defined by the questions:

1) How do I set up the software so it works for us?

2) How do I get people to effectively use it?

The concern is warranted, as change management research suggests that more than 2/3's of all change initiatives (such as new software deployment) fail to meet expectations.

Don't get caught in the group that purchases but doesn't effectively deploy.  PST has years of experience at assisting with the methodology and "people" change that needs to accompany utilization of a high performance software such as ManagePro.  We offer our deployment service with a guarantee:

If you use our deployment service and follow our recommendations,
we guarantee that each license holder will be using the software effectively after six months,
or we refund the price of the software license of those non-performing individuals.


Four Steps in a PST assisted ManagePro Deployment Process

A basic outline of the steps involved in the PST deployment service are listed below. 

  • Click here to view a detailed graphical lay-out of the deployment process or

  • Click here to download a document containing the primary action items covered in each step of the deployment process.

Step 1.  LAY THE FOUNDATION - Build a powerful business case for change

  • Build a business case (or change) and informed plan for ManagePro deployment
  • Create a people and political environment for change by lowering resistance and engaging buy-in; demonstrating that certain current practices and systems in conducting "business as usual" will not provide the needed solution
  • Select a highly visible executive sponsor and lead team to champion the deployment
  • Construct a project management based software rollout schedule


  • Translate your business operations, from strategic goals to daily operations, into a configured ManagePro system of goals, action plans and measured results
  • Build a database system based upon tracking goals, action plans and results
  • Define milestones or checkpoints, scorecard metrics and feedback loops
  • Confirm structure supports basic work task, information management and reporting flow
  • Complete installation and training
  • Review usage guidelines and set targets for deployment results

Step 3.  IMPLEMENT - Make use of ManagePro and working strategically everyone's everyday job

  • Establish as "one-stop" information control center for e-mails, to-dos and progress updates
  • Build discipline for transitioning from managing crises and the next to-do, to working the "plan"
  • Use ManagePro to support operational meetings and standard reporting requirements
  • Optimize ManagePro's tracking and alert system so that it is a business navigational for teams and individuals

Step 4. INSTITUTIONALIZE - Operationalize Performance Review from top to bottom

  • Conduct monthly strategic management and performance review meetings
  • Maintain highly visible monthly progress report scorecards attached to goals and their supporting action plans
  • Track and respond to individual and team performance and tie into compensation plan


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and set up an appointment to
discuss your deployment needs today

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