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ManagePro December 2003 Newsletter
eNews Letter December 2003

 1. MProWeb and ManagePro 6.0 - a powerful combination

 2. 10 Lessons learned from deploying ManagePro in organizations

 3. ManagePro 6.0 due to release in 2nd half of December!

Download PST's latest white paper reviewing the technology assumptions and functionality behind "Everyday Excellence and Agility."

1. MProWeb and ManagePro 6.0 - a powerful combination

MProWeb released at the end of last month.  With the upcoming introduction of ManagePro 6.0 in conjunction with MPro-Link, both ManagePro and MProWeb can communicate with each other via a single Web hosted Microsoft SQL database.  What does that mean for you?  When do you use MProWeb? When do you use ManagePro?  What's the difference?

We have provided a comparative over-view that you can access by clicking on the link to the left.  But let's walk through the three most common configurations we suggest.  In each of these ManagePro Team licenses are web-enabled using MPro-Link.

  1. One option is to use ManagePro 6.0 as the hub or central management tool on management's desktops/laptops.  MProWeb provides the coordination and collaboration tool for assigning and tracking goals, action plans and results across their direct reports, offsite team members, even outside contractors and vendors. Management assign goals and to-dos inside ManagePro.  Sync them up over the web using MPro-Link.  Their team members pick it up and provide feedback on results running MProWeb on their browser.  Everyone stays on track via the management of assigned objectives or commitments and the Performance Scorecard feature.  You have the full functionality of ManagePro for management, the ease of use and browser access of MProWeb for direct reports.  Please note, that this configuration is also the best choice for consultants (e.g. consultants use ManagePro and connect to their clients who use MProWeb).  It provides an immediate platform for consultants to enhance their ability to view and impact client focus and follow through on deliverables.

  2. A second configuration has management using ManagePro Team and their in-office direct reports using ManagePro Solo editions on their desktops connected to a LAN (local area network).   Offsite team members and vendors use and access MProWeb from their browser.  In-office direct reports get the benefit of the added functionality of ManagePro, while offsite members are provided the connection via their browser and the web.  In both of these first two configurations, the executives and managers use ManagePro Team with MPro-Link on their PCs for its additional drill-down and management capabilities. 

  3. A 3rd option is to use MProWeb without ManagePro.  It functions as a stand-alone product for those users who want an entirely web-based performance management product.  The key limitation to consider in this configuration is that there is a limited management over-view perspective.  In order for a "manager" to see goals and objectives assigned to other people they must either a) have created them and assigned them to that direct report, or b) the direct report must include the manager in the Who column for that record.

Again, for more details on the differences between ManagePro and MProWeb, click on the overview article in the upper left column.


    2. 10 Lessons learned from deploying ManagePro in organizations

As we continue to assist organizations in deploying ManagePro, we've come up with a number of lessons learned.  We wanted to share ten of them with you today, to help spark your own thinking and deployment success.  But before we get to the 10 lessons or guidelines, take a look at the map we use when working with organizations and imagine applying it to your own organization.  It both looks at current work effort and the technology tools used to support that effort.

ManagePro is a means of improving the organization and coordination of work by moving it from a task based focus to a goal+plan structure.  It also represents an improved method of leveraging information.   In our experience, improvement is always a driven process, otherwise,  entropy settles in and the effort slides back to the lowest required effort.  In the process of driving utilization, the often unspoken question that needs to be addressed for each of its users is "What's in it for me?"  To address that question, both personal and leadership drivers are critical for a successful deployment.  Take a look at how we address that in the 10 lessons learned (below the graphic).

Lessons and Assumptions gathered in the process of multiple deployment engagements:

 1.  The typical organization starts with the deployment at a low/low rating.  Low collaboration outside of work groups, and work organized around task completion and fulfillment of job and time requirements. 

2. Motivation is impacted by leadership but is ultimately personal and routinely under-assessed as to importance.  What?s in it for me is key. 

3. Goals aren?t a personal driver for work unless they have a personal meaning/payoff or are simply the preferred mode of operating (small %). 

4. Any consistent separation between written goals and daily operations (between goals and what actually drives day-to-day tasks)? means a goal based tool is dead in the water? and that ManagePro is just a burden from top management until the motivation is raised to drive a new connection. 

5. Double whatever the effort you think it will take to raise motivation to get the organization out of a low/low rating. 

6. Organizations that manage collaboration in the low to medium range transfer information in their own ?language?.  That includes their preferred tools, tied to agenda items they deem important, not overall structures such as outcomes or goals. 

7. Being task based is not results based, it?s completion based, hence scoring is considered mostly irrelevant.  Things like ?I worked hard, I put in my time, I checked off the to-dos, I fulfilled the job requirements? are a central part of the activity/time based accounting mentality.  

8. Keep it focused, less is better.  Limit top priority goals to no more than three, key action plan steps to no more than six when-ever possible. 

9. Keep it simple by emphasizing 3 steps: 1) Focus on the goal (or deliverable), 2) Work the plan (to get there), 3) Document your results (regularly). 

10.  Remember high(er) performance is a habit and discipline to be maintained? actively.  Don?t let non-performance slide.

If you are interested in taking advantage of PST's deployment services as you start the New Year, contact Patti at or .


  3. ManagePro 6.0 due to release in 2nd half of December

We are anticipating releasing ManagePro 6.0 at then end of this month.  It has a number of new features while staying within our direction of making the program more powerful and easier to use.  Let's look at few of the new features briefly.  You'll receive more detailed information when the release is ready to ship.

1. We have added the power of Resource Allocation -  We are really pleased with how this feature turned out. 

  • You now will be able to select which goals to apply resource allocation to, and view those goals in a separate view - each showing what the required person days are and to what extent they have been staffed up.
  • You'll be able to see for each individual what goals they are assigned to, and the % of their time allocated to each goal, as well as an overall graphic displaying there level of commitments across days, weeks or months.  (see the graphic below)
  • We've built an easy entry format when assigning people to a goal to additionally assign their % of time committed to that goal.

2. We've added the power of focus to the personal calendar window - Now the calendar view displays the goals flagged for increased attention (a right click option) as well as those goals to which a person is committed to as an allocated resource.

3.  We expanded on the ability to drag and drop Outlook email into ManagePro as progress updates or attached documents - now you can drag email in and convert directly into to-dos or events.

4.  We added tab views to the Assistant - All of the views in the Today's Planner are listed by tabs for easier selection.  All of your to-dos are on one tab, your events and appointments underneath another tab, all goals that are critical under a third tab and so on. 

If you have the Annual Maintenance version of ManagePro, you will receive an email notice plus notification when 6.0 release so that you can upgrade.   It will require everyone in the organization to upgrade at the same time to avoid conflicts.


Have a great holiday season and a terrific start on the new year.

Rodney Brim,
CEO, Performance Solutions Technology, LLC
