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ManagePro July 2004 Newsletter
eNews Letter July 2004

 1. Don't miss out on the  training seminar, July 22-23!

 2. New features in MProWeb and ManagePro 6.2 - due out in July

3. What's your Business worth? Your exit strategy?
Free evaluation paid for by PST for first 5 customers.

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1.  Come to the beach and become a ManagePro/MProWeb
expert on July 22nd & 23rd

Don't miss out on the opportunity to improve your skills in using ManagePro and MProWeb, you'll reap the benefits all year long. 

Great location, very reasonable price ($125 each day), and a format to ensure we address you specific needs:

8a - 11am each day will be content intensive.  Each day we will review no less than 50 important facts and tips to help make using ManagePro and MProWeb seem like 2nd nature to you.  We will be covering questions like (answers at the bottom of the newsletter):

1. What are the four steps for activating the Scorecard?
2. What are the four steps for activating Resource Allocation?
3. How do you set up a common web folder to share documents across all users?
4. What's the difference between a goal, action plan or task?

11am-12am each day will be direct application in your databases, using the databases you bring to the training session.

12pm - We provide lunch overlooking the water.

1pm - Your choice, enjoy the beach, or sign up for 1-on-1 coaching sessions (additional fee) with our staff to address the following type of issues:

  • Designing your database to maximize performance across your organization
  • Customizing scorecards within ManagePro to reflect key metrics on your most important objectives and projects
  • Planning and assessing the reality of your goals and objectives using ManagePro's resource allocation features
  • Setting up ManagePro and MProWeb across your organization
  • Personalized Q & A

Want more information on the topics that will be covered each morning?  Check out http://www.managepro.com/training.htm



2. New Features in ManagePro 6.2 & MProWeb - due out in July

ManagePro 6.2 Improvements - look for your update notification in mid-July!

  1. Variance Fields:  ManagePro now supports up to 7 user defined variance fields.  Want to track the difference between budget and actual amounts?  Now you can.  Three of them come pre-defined, but all seven are able to be configured (e.g. you decide which field A (ex. original due date) to subtract from field B (ex. due date) to create the variance (ex. # of days schedule has slipped).
  2. Copy and Paste:  You can copy and paste records directly out of ManagePro into Excel, including Excel templates with formulas and saved graphing instructions.  This now includes all calculated fields, which were formerly only available for reports by copying and pasting via bit-map.
  3. Duration:  ManagePro use to operate with a general "calendar date" concept of duration.  Now it support calculation down to the hour for improved project estimating and ease of use in constructing empty but linked templates.
  4. Context View is now added to the Assistant to make the goal defined tabbed views easier to interpret.
  5. Calculated Fields  can now be removed or added to any tab view in the goal planner views, making it easier to add these powerful fields to user defined tabbed views.

MProWeb Improvements

1.  Gantt chart: MProWeb will have a new Gantt chart with more features and printing supported.
2.  Business Groups:  MProWeb will have the ability to set up performance score cards for each business group as well as for each individual.
3.  Speed:  We've reconfigured code to optimize speed.  Average screen pops are 1.5 to 3 seconds!

Note:  If you haven't considered using MProWeb to extend the visibility, performance and coordination of work effort down your organization, take another look at our comparative review of ManagePro and MProWeb, complete with a recently added screenshot by screenshot comparison of the top 7 features in both programs found at http://www.managepro.com/comparative_features_sheet.pdf


3. What's Your Business Worth?  How about your exit strategy?   PST's appreciation - your gain.

Whether you are thinking of your exit strategy or in the process of applying for more funding, you need to know how the market values your company. 

As an expression of appreciation to our customers, PST is teaming up with Axis Leadership Group to provide a Wealth Value Scorecard for the first 5 customers that take advantage of this offer.  That's right, we think this is such a valuable service that we have arranged to pay the fee for the first 5 customers that call or write in to request the service from Axis Leadership and mention that you are a PST customer.  For all of you that don't make it into the first group of 10, we've arranged to get a discount on the normal fee of $179.00 during the month of July.  The regular fee of $179 will be discounted to $125, a 30% reduction.

The Axis Wealth Value Scorecard

For privately held companies, one of the biggest challenges an owner faces is determining what the business is worth.  It’s an important question, especially for an owner seeking to raise growth capital or sell the business.  It’s a certain question an investor asks the owner along with “how did you reach this figure?”  Do investors or buyers always agree with the formal business valuation provided by the company?  No.  It’s more likely they see a different value – sometimes higher, but many times lower.

"The real value of your business is the value the market assigns it!"

Can you reduce the risk of getting less value?  Absolutely, and it starts with an understanding of the tangible and intangible drivers of value the market uses to assign value to your company.   With this knowledge, you can develop and track goals and actions to maximize wealth and equity before you sell or seek funds for your business.

Whether the intent is to growth the business, maintain the status quo, or transition out of the business, CEOs and managers are advised to focus on the attributes which maximize business wealth and equity – the same attributes an investor analyzes when making a decision to buy or invest equity in a business – perhaps your business!  The following measurable and actionable attributes are scored by the Axis Wealth Value Scorecard TM:

Talent (management, people, culture);

  • Opportunities (market growth, competitiveness, differentiation, capacity)

  • Capabilities (process, systems, efficiency, relationships); and

  • Results (financial, operating, profitability, execution)

 Use the results from the AXIS Wealth Value Scorecard TM and the related ManagePro template to:

  • Achieve a successful exit strategy or raise capital by maximizing business performance and credibility prior to the transaction.

  • Complete investor/buyer due diligence and strategic plan development and execution.

  • Grow faster and more profitably by reducing the time to execute strategy while reducing the risks of failures to
    build market value.

Here's how it works:

1. You complete and return a 160 item questionnaire.

2. You receive a Wealth Value Scorecard presented in Excel, containing a cumulative score, key indicators across four major value quadrants, and a list of actions items.

That's not all.  For the month of July, you also get a ManagePro template into which your Axis Survey scores and next action steps all plug neatly into... a $99 value.

For more information you can download a white paper on the Axis Wealth Value Scorecard at: http://www.axisleadership.com/maximize.asp

Contact Axis Leadership Group at 972.596.0933 to arrange for your copy of the AXIS Wealth Value Scorecard™ diagnostic tool. 

Axis Leadership Group, LLC (AXIS) is an authorized reseller of Performance Solutions Technology’s ManagePro software. AXIS and its alliance partners help CEOs with growth strategy execution, exit strategy planning & execution, and performance improvement initiatives.





Have a great July

Rodney Brim,
CEO, Performance Solutions Technology, LLC
