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ManagePro March 2004 Newsletter
eNews Letter March 2004

 1. 6.1' is out.  Be sure to upgrade - here's what's new!

 2. Using "Capture Active View" for graphical reports

 3. Tip: Using the splash page for downloading your upgrade and more...

1.  6.1 is out.  Be sure to upgrade - here's what's new!

We put 50 new enhancements and fixes into 6.1.  Here's the top four.  If you have the Annual Maintenance version, be sure to upgrade by clicking on the link in ManagePro.  See the the tips section below for more information.

1. ManagePro provides both a visual and audio alert for upcoming to-dos and events

Ever have an appointment slip by your awareness?  Now ManagePro helps you avoid that situation by providing a visual and voice alert at the bottom left hand corner of the screen.  It starts blinking 10 minutes prior to due date time and counts down minute by minute.  Click on the Dismiss button to stop the alert.  Click on the Goto button to review the details of the to-do or event.  Adjust the number of minutes the alert precedes the task by clicking on File/Preferences/Todo/Event Alerts.

2.  There's a new Search Window display for viewing all records updated in the last synchronization across the web.

If you are using a web-enabled version of ManagePro, you’ve probably wondered more than once, “What actually came across in the last synchronization?  Which records got updated or added?”
 Now you can view all of that information in one handy screen, plus drill down to view the details.  To do so, select the Edit pull down menu, then the Search option.  In the Search  window check the MPro-Link box and click OK. 


The display for what was updated in the last synchronization is as follows, with the details of each entry available by double clicking on the record’s title.


3.  Annual Review and Score Filters have been added.

Five predefined filters have been added.  The “Goals Marked for Review” filter displays only those goals marked for (the Annual) review.  The Score field contents are a calculated value and cannot be accessed directly for filtering or sorting.  ManagePro does come equipped with four predefined filters to cover the most common management and reporting needs.  Clicking on the Filter button reveals the following Score Configuration filters in the right box. 

  1. Score is less than 33% 
  2. Score is less than 66%
  3. Score is red
  4. Score is yellow

Clicking on any of the above filters causes the resulting goal planner view to only display those goals matching that score criteria. 

 4. New Tool Tips 

There are now tool tips in place for the left column icons and goal records.  As an example, you can now see how many progress updates and how many outstanding to-dos and events are attached to each goal by hovering your mouse over the respective icon.



2. Using "Capture Active View" for immediate graphical reports

As we have added color-coded graphical displays to the Goal Planner Scorecard tab, the Resource Allocation Timeline and the Goal Status Scorecard views, we've also created a need to be able to capture what you are seeing directly into a report.  At present, the best way to transfer graphical ManagePro into other documents is to use the "Capture Active View" command found as the fifth option under the File pull-down menu in ManagePro.

This option copies whatever view of data is currently active (top of  the stack in the Cascade view) onto your computer's clipboard.  From there you can paste it into an email, a word doc, power point or whatever.  Now you can grab a view, such as your scorecard, and have that into an email or report in less than 5 seconds.

Note:  If you are pasting graphics into Word you will notice that they look great, but print quite fuzzy.  Here's the tip - for better printability first paste the screen capture from ManagePro into a graphical editing program, such as Paint, Photoshop or PhotoDraw.  Size it according to your needs, save it as a .gif or .jpg file and then insert it into Word and don't change the sizing.  In no time you can power up your reports with color and graphics that make views, like the Scorecard tab displayed below, so powerful.


3. Tips: 1. Using the splash page for downloading and 2. Using the Goal Type option

1. Using the splash page for downloading - We use the splash page in ManagePro to advise all of you with Annual Maintenance licenses when we have a new release or build that we want you to download and upgrade your existing version.  Let's go over how to use it.  

The Red Title is your key to upgrading your copy of 6.0 ManageProAM (annual maintenance) to the latest 6.1 version.
The Articles title takes you directly to a listing of articles on our website on the area of performance management, plus past newsletters, etc.  Contact Support creates an automatic email for you directly to support. 
The New Features title takes you through each new feature we have added in the Annual Maintenance version.  Until our new manual comes out, the New Features link and the help file are your best source of information for using the new features.



Note:  If you don't see this upgrade option and you do have an annual maintenance version, please contact Performance Solution Technology's office at for assistance.

Also if you get the choice of modify, repair or replace when upgrading, choose modify, and then reboot after the upgrade process is completed.



2. Using the Goal Type option - Every time you enter a new record in the Goal Planner or Timeline views you are prompted to first distinguish for ManagePro (and for yourself) is this a 1. Goal [and if so, what type], or 2. an Action plan Step to achieve that goal, or 3. a Task, one of the many things to get accomplished to make it all come together.  The goal > action plan > task breakdown of work effort is one of the keys to getting high performance in focus and in gear in your organization.  Without this structure, most people drift back to organizing by tasks or to-dos, and lose the impact of having clear goals and high visibility into the action plans for achieving those goals.  So next time you enter a record and see the following window, remember its ManagePro's way of helping you organize your work and your thinking process while prompting you to define if you are entering a goal, a plan for reaching that goal, or just a task.



Have a great March.

Rodney Brim,
CEO, Performance Solutions Technology, LLC
