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1. New mini-release available for Annual Maintenance users; update to the latest build - 570(requires everyone in organization to update to this build on same day)
More than 70 new features and fixes! - make sure everyone gets upgraded the same day
We'll cover three new features in more detail below, but as you upgrade to this version you'll find the following new enhancements:
A Country Phone number field has been added (in the People Details view) to better manage international phone numbers with country codes and extension
The ability to use MPro-Link to pull information from Excel pages directly into ManagePro via the web
The goal type of "List" has been changed to "Task List"
The dictionary has been upgraded to recognize contractions
Improved support for Outlook Express and using the email drag and drop into ManagePro
A safety net has been added when working within a filtered planner view, helping a user enter new records that are consistent with the filter to "avoid the goal 'disappearing' after being entered"
1. Selective Access to the Group Calendar
ManagePro now supports assigning a limited access to the group calendar, a view limited to just the individuals selected.
This improves administrative assistant's ability to support their boss by giving them direct access to their bosses' calendar without viewing the rest of the organization's data.
To designate a selective access to the group calendar, go to the individual's Details view, then Access settings, then in the Global Calendar Access field click either the "Read Only" or "Full Access" button. Then double click in the Global Calendar Access List field below and select which user's data will be viewable in the Group Calendar.
2. Performance Review Improvements
The Annual Review (soon to be the only option in this view) now allows you to select any columns/data types to be viewed with the goals selected. Remember goals are added to the Annual Review process by having the box "Review" checked in the goal details form.
In the window to "View supporting Historical Data" only progress notes for those goals selected as part of the annual review are visible,
Additionally there is a date selection function to make it easy to view only the feedback, recognition and progress notes since the last review or a user selected date
3. Cascade view as the new default
The original default display is what we termed "Single - Stacked"
It allows users to open up windows, one after another, stacking them on top of each other, and at times creates circular reference lock-ups
To help avoid that (common) problem, we've changed the default view to the Cascade mode. You can expand any window in the cascade to full view at any time.
The original default view of Single-Stacked Windows is still available and may be selected in the Windows pull down menu
If you have purchased a Annual Maintenance contract version of ManagePro, we've taken another step to make it easier for you to use the program and be successful at the "Discipline of getting things Done." You not only get to take advantage of the ongoing new stream of features, but you now have direct access to our technical support staff via a Chat dialogue box.
You can access the chat box anytime to ask a question or make a comment. It's staffed from 8am to 5pm Pacific Standard Time.
If a tech support staff person isn't available, just leave a message in the form provided and they will get back to you as soon as they come back online.
Note: We also offer live chat with our sales department from the managepro website ( to assist you with sales, demo's and configuration questions.
1. How to get a quick review of each direct report's Assistant View
2. How do I update my system again?
3. Upcoming Forum for consultants to be added to the ManagePro website
4. We'll be at the NMCI conference in New Orleans June 17-19th.
5. Quick summary of the book, Execution - the Discipline of getting things done
1. How to get a quick review of each direct report's Assistant View
Ever wanted to take a quick look at what's up for the day for each of your direct reports? If you are the database owner you can do it very simply. Just open up your own assistant, then click the "?Who" button in the middle of the first layer of buttons above the Assistant window. You'll find a drop down list of everyone in the People planner. Click on any person to see their Assistant view.
2. How do I update my system again?
"Now how do I know if I have the Annual Maintenance contract version, or how do I update my system?" Here's how to solve both questions:
1. If you don't know which build you are currently on and/or whether or not you have an Annual Maintenance version of ManagePro, simply open ManagePro and click on the Help pull down menu. Then choose the "About" option. If you have an Annual Maintenance version it will be listed to the right of the Version number, and the build number will be listed under the Version number.
2. To update your license to the latest build (if you have an Annual Maintenance Contract) be sure to click on the "Download New Update" line in the ManagePro background splash page. Again you want to update to Build 570.
Remember each time we have a new update available, you will see a red icon in your ManagePro splash page alerting you to download the new update. It only takes a couple of minutes and you are ready to continue. For all of you using Windows 2000 or XP, remember that you must have administrator rights or log in as the administrator to correctly complete the download! For more information on the new features click on the "New Features" button in the ManagePro background splash page.
3. Upcoming Forum for consultants to be added to the ManagePro website
We are going to be adding a forum community for consultants to our website next month. Before we do, we would like feedback from all of our consultant users as to what would be of value. Take a moment and email us a list of what you would need from this type of Forum community.
What could we provide to help you be successful using ManagePro with your clients and utilizing ManagePro to grow your business? Please send your request list and thoughts to
4. We'll be at the NMCI conference in New Orleans June 17-19th.
We will be at booth 38. Please stop by and say hello if you are attending the Navy and Marine Corps Intranet Industry Symposium at the Sheraton New Orleans - it would be great to meet you. We will also be displaying our upcoming browser version of ManagePro.
5. Quick summary of the book, Execution - the Discipline of getting things done
The market is getting clearer about how critical, how much of a differentiator, it is to be able to EXECUTE! Bossidy & Charan's recent #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller book, Execution - The discipline of getting things done, speak to this quite clearly as the ability to manage people, strategy and operations. ManagePro provides the software suite to all of that very effectively. Click Here for a quick 2 page summary of Bossidy & Charan's key points in their Execution book.