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ManagePro October 2002 Newsletter
eNews Letter October 2002

 1. A day in the life of a ManagePro user- My Tips Part 2

 2.It's our 4th Birthday!  New Release of 5.1, Dilbert Joins ManagePro and much, much more!

 3. Q&A; Saving to HTML, changing calendar fonts & more

 4. Don't let the 800 pound gorilla eat your lunch



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  1. A Day in the Life of a ManagePro User - My Tips Part 2
TIP# 8 & 9
8. Organize EVERYTHING POSSIBLE into a
"set GOALS - work the ACTION PLAN - document RESULTS"

format in the Goal Planners.

Stop for a moment and think about this tip.  Then look at the ManagePro database you and your team are using.  How would you rate the organization and ease of use of your database layout?  Is it easy to see what the goals are, what are the supporting action plans and results to date?

It is very important that the database be laid out in such a way that it is easy to use - easy to see the connection between goals, action plans and results.  Why?

Well because for most people, organizing the work habits around goals, action plans and results is a change from what they are used to.  That is, many won't make the change unless it's easy or they are highly motivated.  By the way, here's a question for you, "If people don't usually organize their work around goals, action plans and documenting/measuring results, how do they organize their work day?"

          Answer: Most of us organize our work around performing job functions or standard tasks, and managing emerging crises and playing catch-up with the incoming e-mail and phone calls.

Using goals (as opposed to the standard task/to-do list styles) has been demonstrated to raise performance levels in over 100 studies.  Working with a goal in mind vs checking off a to-do list is a more rewarding and effective way to work.  Check out the research summary article on our site at
http://www.managepro.com/10Lessons.htm.  Having people work a plan, one that others can see, coordinate and collaborate with, adds even more power to increasing performance.  Documenting results and next steps adds the important 3rd step.   Having a clearly visible display of GAPR supports your team(s) in both utilizing the ManagePro workspace, and more importantly working together at a higher level.

Leadership Management International describes it this way, "Goal setting is the most powerful tool at our disposal in the development of your organization...  Goals create the confidence that comes from knowing where you and your team are going and how they intend to get there.  Goals provide a sense of direction to keep your organization focused on what is important; they serve as a filter to eliminate extraneous demands...Overall organizational goals and plans simplify the leadership of people.  You and your team know automatically whether productivity is adequate.  There is no need to wait until the end of the month or quarter and suddenly find that goals were missed."

So have we convinced you yet?  Does it make sense that creating a well-built layout of your GAPRs is essential.  Now how did you rate your current layout again?  Does it unfold like a well thought-out game plan?  Is your team documenting their progress so that it is easy to determine results?

If you have any misgivings, or have just told yourself you are going to have to get to that someday, pick up the phone and call us to request our database configuration consulting service.  We make it easy for you to be a success at this.

9. Based upon results, keep modifying the plans 

If you looked at my breakdown of sub-goals in the Group Goal's Planner over time, you would see that some sub-goal structures remain intact a long time.  They typically represent a check-list, and are there to make sure I or others have completed or reviewed all essential details.  

On the other hand sub-goal displays that represent an Action Plan for growth objectives are frequently subject to change.  Results aren't what we thought, got new information in, the market changes, need to re-prioritize resources -  all of that goes on and causes us to regularly update and do a "Reality Check" on the Action Plans.  By reality check, I mean asking the question, "Do I and the rest of the team still believe the action plan is doable and represents our best plan for achieving the objective?"

Your action plan needs to be regularly documented with updated progress notes, and regularly tested against your willingness to bet lunch, or something greater, that that's the plan that's going to enable your team to reach your goals.


  2. It's our 4th birthday, ManagePro 5.1 New Release & how to get it, Dilbert joins ManagePro and much, much more!

1.  First of all it's our 4th birthday, four years of continued growth, with our best year yet scheduled for the next twelve months.  Thank you for your continued support in making that all possible! 

2.  We have a final release which is FREE to all current users of 5.0 and 5.1.  This version now includes the ability to receive updates through the WEB.  Regardless of when you have purchased, unless you are using build 444 (identified by clicking Help, then About in ManagePro) you will need to uninstall your current version of ManagePro and download and install this latest version.  It won't touch your data, so don't worry about over-writing your databases.  It's full of graphical and feature improvements. 

You can download a list of all the changes by clicking on www.managepro.com/whatsnewinMpro51.pdf.  Or contact support at for more information.







*It is important that you download the same edition of ManagePro, e.g. either Solo or Team, otherwise your key code won't work and that you download from the correct link based upon whether or not you have purchased the annual maintenance contract.

If you have not purchased the annual maintenance contract and you have a Solo license, download the latest version.

If you have not purchased the annual maintenance contract and you have a Team license, download the latest version.

Oh, and as one more great reason to use ManagePro every day, all day long, we added the Dilbert comic strip to your opening screen in this latest release.





3.  This one is really important! 
- If you purchased the annual maintenance contract, you will need to download a different version - which we will email you by the 15th of October.  This version will include not only updates to fix known problems as defined above, but more importantly it will deliver you monthly updates with new features! 

- If you haven't purchased our new Annual Maintenance contract, which includes free upgrades throughout the year, you need to immediately.  We have extended the window to purchase it through the month of October.  Upgrade prices for ManagePro 5.2 will almost double previous upgrade prices.  The annual maintenance contract avoids the price increase and the hassle of manual upgrades.  If you use ManagePro regularly you should be taking advantage of this offer.  Within the next two months you will be seeing drag and drop integration of Outlook email and email notification added to your ManagePro screen, and drag and drop functionality added to the Goal Status Board and much more.  To order the Annual Maintenance contract today click on the following shopping cart [link], select "ManagePro" and then scroll to the bottom of the page to order the appropriate Annual Maintenance contract for your license. 

The Annual Maintenance contract includes:
1. Automatic upgrades to the latest ManagePro version via Web updates,
2. One tech support call at no cost, and
3. A 50% reduction off any additional web-based training or tech support.

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  3. Question & Answer section

1.  How can I get ManagePro to save reports to an HTML format?

5.1 saves all reports to an HTML file format by default.  After selecting the report, select the “Print to File option at the bottom left corner of the Print Window.

ManagePro will request you to define the name and location to save the report to, and as you can see automatically saves it in HTML format.

PS. You can also save the reports in any Word format by using the “Open in Word” Print window selection and then from Word save it to your desired format.

 2.  How do I adjust the display font in the calendar?

In the calendar view click on the “Config” or wrench button and select the desired font size
as well as other user configurable display characteristics.

3.  I don’t want to display decimal places, how do I adjust the display of the contents of the Target and Results fields in the Goal Status Board views?

 Click on the Goal Status Board button, then click on the Views button just above the Status Board Display.  Choose either Balance Scorecard or Risk Management Views.  Then click on the “Config” button to display the “Balanced Scoreboard Configuration” window and configure as desired –
in this case select 0 decimal places.  You also have the option of adding a preceding $ sign
or a trailing % sign in this view.


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 4. Winning the war with the 800 pound gorilla using the "Get It" program
There is an 800 pound gorilla present in almost every installation of ManagePro across a team, department or organization.  What is it?  It's the challenge of getting others to adopt and use the program.  It's a common phenomenon.  Why?  Well as pointed out above, adopting ManagePro and its "set Goals - work an Action Plan - and document results" means changing one or more current work habits for many people.  Ask yourself this simple question.  "If my team were to actively use ManagePro each day would it simply support their already existing work habits of being strategic, collaborative, and coordinated in their work effort... or would it require they change the way they work?"  If the answer is the latter, you likely have an 800 pound gorilla in your office/organization.

The good news is that you can prevent the gorilla from eating your lunch, but it needs to be approached with three specific action steps.  They make up part of our "Get It" program, the core of our consulting service to ensure successful roll-outs and implementation of ManagePro.  Let's take a brief look at the three action steps and we will send you more information about the program within the next week so that you can have a great shot at the fourth quarter.

1. Database layout; the goals, and plans workspace for your team

Consistent with tip #8 above, the layout of your database is critical and something we review with our own database at PST regularly.  Goals and plans all can and do change, and the database layout profits from regularly reviewing how well it functions for you and your team.  Your database should be clear and easy to use, easy to see what the goals are, what are the critical action steps to complete to reach those goals, and what are the results and next steps so far.  From a strategic management perspective, the organization of your strategic plan in ManagePro should provide the criteria for making day-to-day organizational decisions while incorporating fact based strategic business modeling and environmental assessment.

2. Practice Push-Pull Leadership

In a nutshell, Push-Pull leadership refers to the ongoing process of:

1. Pulling your staff to higher performance levels by using their motivation to:
     Avoid processes and current solutions that result in loss or frustration.  Where often the pain connection has to be uncovered, clearly identified and linked with a new solution (ManagePro) to leverage team member's and direct report's motivation to make a change.

2. Pushing refers to the courage and vision needed to stand firm in a change management process, and when it comes down to it, insist on accountability to new goals and a new way of working.  Its an ongoing process of managing and guiding others strategically through the application and measurement against a strategic plan.

3. Create and monitor highly visible metrics on use of the ManagePro tool in pursuit of corporate and individual objectives.

Nothing replaces regular practice and accountability.  Some of your staff may take to new software like ducks to water, but some will resist or just "not get around to it" and need the structure of regular monitoring of their activity and reward of success.  In some ways it's not a lot different than learning to play the piano.  Most of us needed the discipline of having regular music lessons and a teacher to help us more or less stay on track in acquisition of a new skill.  Individual and group meetings are a great place to practice accountability on follow-up to action items and posting of progress on assigned goals.  We are in the process of adding a set of metrics to ManagePro to help you determine who is using the program and how  much,  to make that an easier metric to include in performance reviews.

We have more information coming to you in the next week on a special we are offering for our Get It program as part of celebrating 4 years of consistent growth, thanks to all of you.  Be watching your email.

Have a great month

Rodney Brim,
CEO, Performance Solutions Technology, LLC


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