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ManagePro April 2004 Newsletter
eNews Letter April 2004

?1. What's new in release 681

?2. What's new at PST - hint we're going Web & SQL based

3. Training in July - be sure to join us at the beach! + Check out the free training resources on the web

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1.? What's new in release 681

If you are a version 6.1 customer, your software should have upgraded automatically this week.? You can tell which build you are on by looking at the "Help" pull down menu and clicking on the "About" option.? You need to have administrator rights to your pc to upgrade successfully, otherwise, you will need to have your tech support person assist you.? If you still need assistance, contact our tech support at .? Here are just a few of the upgrades in this release:

1.? You'll notice that there are a number of new options when you drag Outlook email into ManagePro. Now you can drag and drop your Outlook email into ManagePro not only progress as updates and attached documents, but you can convert them into to-dos, events and even goals;? designed to help make it easier to convert your email correspondence into value-added information in support of achieving your goals!? Take a look at the window below.

2.? We've improved the synchronization to Outlook, however, note that we have stopped supporting recurring events.? There were too many problems in supporting syncing Outlook's recurring events given the quirky way Outlook allows multiple ID's for one event.? It was continuing to cause crashes and/or duplicate events for too many of our customers.? Now, only the original recurring event comes over on the sync.? However, if you create recurring events in ManagePro (checkpoints), they will all sync over to Outlook successfully.

3. We now support syncing to-dos or events that have been deleted in ManagePro over to Outlook, so they are deleted there as well.? To-dos or events that are deleted in Outlook still require deletion in ManagePro as well.? Hint: Use ManagePro as your central management tool for updating and deleting to-dos and events.

4. To make sure Drag and Drop of email works with Outlook 2003: From within Outlook 2003, click "Tools", "Options", "Other", "Advanced Options".? If "Use Unicode Message Format when saving messages" is checked, click the box to uncheck the option. Then, click "OK" twice to return to Outlook's normal view.... otherwise, dragging and dropping an email will not work properly.

5. Time zone is now identified on emails.? Events and to-dos, when emailed from ManagePro, now list the time in international format [Date/Time: 4/14/04 Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8)] to avoid confusing start times across time zones.



2. What's new at PST - we're going web and SQL based

Effective May 1st, we are changing our approach to creating team and enterprise solutions.? In the past, we have configured these solutions using a combination of ManagePro Team and Solo licenses.? Although we will continue to support existing installations, going forward, our team and enterprise solutions will be configured around either: (1) ManagePro Team web-enabled and MProWeb or (2) MProWeb only options.

Let's go over briefly why we've made the change:?
1. We've upgraded the capability of MProWeb so much that it has taken over the role of ManagePro Solo in enterprise functions.? Not only has MProWeb replaced Solo, it improves upon Solo significantly as an easy to use, easy to maintain, installation-free (at the desktop level) tool that's as easy to use for 1,000 as it is for 10.?
2. The back-end database for MProWeb and ManagePro Team (when web-enabled) is Microsoft SQL, which gives us much better expandability and durability.? The existing ManagePro database that you open with ManagePro team, becomes an auxiliary database to communicate with the MPro-Link SQL database.?
3. Our new application provides a flexible installation choice, allowing our team and enterprise solution to be operated as either an internet application (hosted over the web) or intranet application (hosted internally within your firewall).?

Let's go over how the typical team or enterprise installation is now configured and priced.

1. Typically management elects to use a web-enabled ManagePro Team version
installed on their local laptop or
desktop PC,
with direct reports using MProWeb.
This connects to a MS SQL database via our MPro-Link middleware on either PST's server (PST hosts your application) or your server.?




2. As an alternative, option two is defined by all users (including management) using MProWeb.?
Again the MPro-Link middleware and SQL db can be either hosted by PST or by the individual organization.? Hosting it internally allows organizations to operate MProWeb inside their firewall as an intranet application.

In looking at either option, one of the immediate questions is, "Why use ManagePro Team versus MProWeb?"? Well, from a management position, here's the short list from which to make a decision:

1. If you need to be able to work without being hooked up to the internet, then you need Team. (e.g. need to work anywhere, where you don't have access to high speed internet capability, including while traveling, in someone else's office or at home).
2. If you need to assign and manage resource allocation, it's only available in the Team version.
3. If you need to take advantage of the wide range of people management and annual review capabilities in ManagePro, you need to use the Team version, as only a limited number of those features are found in MProWeb.

Price List effective 5/1/04

PST hosts MPro-Link (each new user license starts at Yr. 1) ? ?
License Cost Yr 1/user Cost each year starting yr 2?
ManagePro Team $900???? $300???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
MProWeb $300 (min 5 users) $300???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
* Setup costs additional ? ?
? ? ?
Client leases/self hosts MPro-Link (each new user license starts at Yr. 1) ? ?
License Cost Yr 1/user Cost each year starting yr 2?
ManagePro Team $900???? ?? $0 - included in MPro-Link lease fee
MProWeb $300 (min 5 users)* ?? $0 - included in MPro-Link lease fee
MPro-Link Lease $0???? ?? $200/yr/user (ManagePro and MProWeb)
* Setup costs & report server additional *MProWeb is $350 /user for 1-4 users ?
? ? ?
Client purchases/self hosts MPro-Link (each new user license starts at Yr. 1) ? ?
License Cost Yr 1/user Cost each year starting yr 2?
ManagePro Team $900???? $135 (includes all upgrades)????????????????????????
MProWeb $300 (min 5 users) $0?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
MPro-Link Purchase $25,000???? ??? $3,750/yr - MPro-Link annual upgrades
* Setup costs & report server additional ? ?


3. Training July 22-23rd (come join us at the beach) and new free resources on the Web

Our next training seminar will be offered Thursday and Friday, July 22nd - 23rd, 2004.? It will be very educational and fun and here's a brief summary.? We will have a training agenda up on our website next week.

1. The training is scheduled for 8 - 12 each morning followed by lunch.?
2. The afternoons are unscheduled.? You can take advantage of all the activities in the area, from unique shopping in beautiful Seal Beach (Main Street USA), to boating, to Disneyland and/or you can reserve time for? 1-on-1 consults on your database design, integration in your organization, matching it up to your business plan, solving people user problems, etc.? All consults will be with either Julian or John at $75/hr or Rodney at $100/hr, half our regular rate.?
3. Pricing is very reasonable to make it available for everyone interested.? $250 for two days from 8-12 each morning (including lunch).? We want you to come and become a guru!
4. Location: It's right on the water (see the picture below).? The room is wonderful to work in, but not especially large.? Don't wait too long to reserve a space.? Speaking of reserving a space, you can do so by calling our office at or send an email to .


There is a new slate of free training and database development resources on our website!

Go to http://www.managepro.com/reviews.htm and check out the "Getting Started" resources.

You'll find the following resource documents:
1. Quick Start Guide - a 5 page summary of how to get started with your initial ManagePro database.
2. Building the Top Level Goal Planner Part 1 and 2 - two database design documents reviewing how to set up your strategic scorecard as well as an operational review of all your top objectives and projects.
3. Best Practices - PST's distillation of how to use ManagePro and MProWeb most effectively on a day-to-day basis.
4. One page Overview - a graphical "cheat sheet" of all the basic functions in ManagePro.
5. Basic Training Guide - a 24 page condensed manual for using the program.? And yes we will have a new complete 400+ page manual available in May.
6. Team Survey - a survey tool that quickly helps you rate effective use of ManagePro/MProWeb utilization across teams and individuals.




Have a great May

Rodney Brim,
CEO, Performance Solutions Technology, LLC
