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ManagePro May 2004 Newsletter
eNews Letter May 2004

?1. New curriculum for upcoming training July 22-23

?2. MProWeb advances as browser based tool

3. What's New??? Lots!? Check out a new manual, new build and a lot more

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1.? Training + Review + Fun at the beach on July 22nd & 23rd

We are adopting a new format the upcoming training in July:?

  • Partly to take into account that everyone can only adopt so much information before you need to put it into use.? This time we are going to limit the content and emphasize applying it to each users' database.? Essentially operating from the assumption that "If you can't do it comfortably, you haven't really learned it."
  • Partly to recognize we all learn more if we are having a good time.
  • Partly to make it so inexpensive ($125 each day), that cost isn't a limiting factor.

So here's what the new format looks like:

8a - 11am each day will be content intensive.? Each day we will review no less than 50 important facts and tips to help make using the program seem like 2nd nature to you.

11am-12am each day will be direct application in your databases, using the databases you bring to the training session.

12pm - We provide lunch overlooking the water.

1pm - Your choice, enjoy the beach, or sign up for 1-on-1 coaching sessions (additional fee) with our staff to address the following type of issues:

  • Designing your database to maximize performance across your organization
  • Customizing scorecards within ManagePro to reflect key metrics on your most important objectives and projects
  • Planning and assessing the reality of your goals and objectives using ManagePro's resource allocation features
  • Setting up ManagePro and MProWeb across your organization
  • Personalized Q & A

Want more information on the topics that will be covered each morning?? Check out http://www.managepro.com/training.htm



2. MProWeb Advances as Browser Based Tool

We've made significant improvements to the look and capability of MProWeb in the? past month in providing it as both an addition to ManagePro and as a stand-alone tool.? More users are electing to use MProWeb to extend the set goals, work the plan and document your results benefits of the ManagePro paradigm out to the rest of their organization.? Why have only your management team working from a highly focused and accountable model?? Look at some of the changes we've recently made to MProWeb:

  1. Overall speed boost
  2. Managers can view each of their direct report's goals, results, to-dos and event lists, and a performance scorecard.
  3. Reduced pricing for organizations self-hosting the application (Hosting it internally allows organizations to operate MProWeb inside their firewall as an intranet application, as opposed to PST hosting it)
  4. New report generator, with all reports presented in Excel format, for easy editing and customization (due by June 5th).

If you haven't considered using MProWeb to extend the visibility, performance and coordination of work effort down your organization, take another look at our comparative review of ManagePro and MProWeb, complete with a recently added screenshot by screenshot comparison of the top 7 features in both programs.

Click here to view comparative review

Quick Review Question - "Why use ManagePro Team versus MProWeb?"?
Well, from a management position, here's the short list from which to make a decision:

1. If you need to be able to work without being hooked up to the internet, then you need Team. (e.g. need to work anywhere, where you don't have access to high speed internet capability, including while traveling, in someone else's office or at home).
2. If you need to assign and manage resource allocation, it's only available in the Team version.
3. If you need to take advantage of the wide range of people management and annual review capabilities in ManagePro, you may need to use the Team version, as not all of those features are found in MProWeb.
4. If items 1 - 3 aren't prerequisites for you, you should be looking at MProWeb as a lower cost, lost maintenance option.


3. What's New??? Lots!

There a lots of improvements and additions coming your way this month!? Let's go over the key ones you don't want to miss:

1.? New ManagePro 6.1 manual - We'll have printed copies available in a couple of weeks but you can download a pdf version now by going to http://www.managepro.com/download/ManagePro61Manual.zip

2. New ManagePro 6.1 build ?- This is build 696 and you should be prompted to upgrade your copy of ManagePro to this build when you log on.? Here's the new features coming your way:

  • Ability to interpret meetings based upon the time zone of the user for all MPro-Link users.?? E.g. when the East Coast sets a meeting for 11am and you are a West Coast user, the meeting event will display as 8am in your calendar.

  • Building templates now supports durations and links without dates.? Build a template, then copy and paste the template under the heading of your choice when you're ready to start a project.? Key in the first start date and the template automatically assigns dates for the rest of the template based upon expected durations.

  • Problems with unwanted goal movement and unexpected goal display in individual goal planners resolved.

  • MPro-Link users can now sync user access settings across to all databases, instead of having to individually configure each user's database.

3. New Technical Support on your ManagePro - Everyone has questions at one time or another when using ManagePro.? Now, in addition to your help file, we have put a link to the most common questions we receive... and the answers.? You'll find it located in the ManagePro background page links at the bottom of the blue bar.

4. MindManagerX5 Interface - You can now download a free interface to export MindManagerX5 maps into ManagePro (using the import file utility), and directly export ManagePro goal hierarchies directly into a MindManagerX5 map.? Download it at www.managepro.com/download/MM5ManagePro.zip





Have a great June

Rodney Brim,
CEO, Performance Solutions Technology, LLC
