August '02
- A day in the life of a ManagePro user- My Tips Part 1
- Implementation Check-up
- One page in ManagePro where it all comes together!
- New Pricing - Your Transition window available for next six weeks!
June '02
- Selective Access Settings
- Mid-Year Strategy Check-up
- Introduction of Lou Metcalf, our new VP of Sales
April '02 |
January '02
- Doing Annual Reviews using what’s new in 5.0
- MPro-Link continues in beta testing; integration with Mind Map due by mid February
- What do News Years Resolutions & ManagePro have in Common?
December '01
- 5.0 Team is out, Patches and MPro-Link to follow
- Setting the Goal Planner to open expanded to the level of your choice
- Simple, highly visual staff resource allocation and planning
- Survey results – what you said about us
- Last week for reduced upgrade prices and what’s upcoming in next month’s
November '01
- Using the Balance Scorecard approach to configure your Top Level Goal Planner
- Feedback and a Survey on You and ManagePro
- Adding Time, Expense and Resource Allocation to the ManagePro solution set (ARCspan)
- ManagePro 5.0 release dates
October '01
- The Problem(s) with not having a Great Top Level Goal Planner
- Automating Reports with ManagePro
- Suggestions and Tips on rolling out ManagePro across your organization
- 4.7 Preview and release next month
September '01
- The Secret of having a Great Top Level Goal Planner.
- Creating Recurring Agendas for your meetings in ManagePro.
- Tip on using Top Priority Goal Checkpoints in your Calendar.
- 4.7 Preview
August '01
- How many hours are you saving a week with last month’s email suggestion?
- Freeing up memory for synchronization and new installations.
- Free ManagePro Rollout Guidelines and Suggestions.
- Requesting suggestions for new features to be added on upcoming release 4.7
July '01
- A tool for organizing all your email; better than putting them into folders!!!
- Creating Organization charts within ManagePro.
- New Help and Advisor files available for ManagePro.
- Using SmartDraw to draw and attach your process flow diagrams to goals
June '01
- Using our GAPRR model; here's how to build a view to display what's coming up on the
- horizon.
- Pulling data directly into ManagePro from existing Excel and Project Management tools.
- Alliance partnership formed with WRC's E-Val Plus to give you a high powered survey/feedback tool.
May '01
- What's the most commonly reported obstacle to successfully rolling out ManagePro? Don't read this section if you are already totally satisfied with your (your team's) use of ManagePro.
- Review Writer 4.0; it's a natural and on special during the month of May!
- ManagePro 4.5r (revised). If you have purchased 4.5, you can download it for free, check out what has been added.
- A request from Boeing turns into a gift for you - the ability to hide subgoals created in the Individual Goal Planner at the Top Level, even if they are sub-goals of a Top Level Goal.
- Do you need alarms for meetings or todos in ManagePro 4.5? Here's how to get them and other
- tips on syncing events to either Palm or Outlook
April '01
- 10 things you need to know about ManagePro 4.5
- Email Management - slim and very powerful.
- We need feedback from you on two new additions in 4.5
March '01
- ManagePro Tip: How to post reports to the web or use as email attachments
- Workshop Observation & Tip: Maximizing performance with your Action Plan
- ManagePro 4.5 releasing this month: Special price in March for current 4.0 users!!!
February '01
- ManagePro tip: Working with documents on the web.
- Follow-up on last month announcements - Workshop details!
- New Concurrent licensing available for Web-enabled Team version.
- Tool sites on the web
January '01
- ManagePro tip: using checkpoints to keep you on track all year.
- It is annual review time and we can help at 50% off!
- Upcoming management workshop.
- Reader tips, tools from the web
December '00
- Creating an easy, powerful review for each of your direct reports.
- ManagePro as a work management system
- ManagePro as a knowledge management system
- Two Tips for the end of the year and next
November '00
- Tips from our consulting group on the organization of your Top Level Goal Planner.
- Basic Tips for creating a performance based review for your employees.
- Evaluating your use of ManagePro and using our consulting services
- Seeing is believing - a link to try out the web-enabled version of ManagePro
October '00
- ManagePro is now WEB-enabled.
- Linking your Strategic Goals to Operational Projects.
- Tips for Flagging Updated Goals.
- Requesting User Input
September '00
- Focusing your To-do list .
- Two more things about To-dos.
- Check-in on your goals.
- What's new with ManagePro
August '00
- Top 7 features in the calendar
- Solving common business questions with the calendar
- What's available when integrating the calendar with Outlook - Palm Pilot devices.
- What's new this month at Performance Solutions Technology.
July '00
- Best Practices Audit
- Recognizing and Resolving Obstacles
- Build a quick report to view an individual's latest progress notes.
- What's new this month at Performance Solutions Technology.
June '00
- Tips & Topics - Staff Meetings
- Free Training!
May '00
- How to get much, MUCH MORE out of your Top Level Goal Planner.
- What's New
September '99
- Successful Team Roll-outs; the Value of Buy-in vs. Consensus.
- When to use ManagePro versus MS Project (or similar products).
- Importing Data from MSProject into ManagePro.
March '99
- The Challenge of Managing Information.
- Knowledge Management and the Value of Shared Information.
- Document Launching Limitations in the current version of ManagePro and the Fix.
October '98
- Success Starts with Responding to the Why Questions.
- Best Practices in Implementing New Software Tools.
- ManagePro User Life-Cycle