


Performance Solutions Technology provides reviews of Project Management information and sample ManagePro layouts to facilitate your success in getting results with ManagePro. Click on the title of the review of your choice to read the contents.


Performance Solutions Technology provides newsletters to current and prospective users to focusing on getting results with the ManagePro software. Click on the title of the newsletter of your choice to read the contents.

August '02
  • A day in the life of a ManagePro user- My Tips Part 1
  • Implementation Check-up
  • One page in ManagePro where it all comes together!
  • New Pricing - Your Transition window available for next six weeks!
June '02
  • Selective Access Settings
  • Mid-Year Strategy Check-up
  • Introduction of Lou Metcalf, our new VP of Sales
April '02
January '02
  • Doing Annual Reviews using what’s new in 5.0
  • MPro-Link continues in beta testing; integration with Mind Map due by mid February
  • What do News Years Resolutions & ManagePro have in Common?
December '01
  • 5.0 Team is out, Patches and MPro-Link to follow
  • Setting the Goal Planner to open expanded to the level of your choice
  • Simple, highly visual staff resource allocation and planning
  • Survey results – what you said about us
  • Last week for reduced upgrade prices and what’s upcoming in next month’s
November '01
  • Using the Balance Scorecard approach to configure your Top Level Goal Planner
  • Feedback and a Survey on You and ManagePro
  • Adding Time, Expense and Resource Allocation to the ManagePro solution set (ARCspan)
  • ManagePro 5.0 release dates
October '01
  • The Problem(s) with not having a Great Top Level Goal Planner
  • Automating Reports with ManagePro
  • Suggestions and Tips on rolling out ManagePro across your organization
  • 4.7 Preview and release next month
September '01
  • The Secret of having a Great Top Level Goal Planner.
  • Creating Recurring Agendas for your meetings in ManagePro.
  • Tip on using Top Priority Goal Checkpoints in your Calendar.
  • 4.7 Preview
August '01
  • How many hours are you saving a week with last month’s email suggestion?
  • Freeing up memory for synchronization and new installations.
  • Free ManagePro Rollout Guidelines and Suggestions.
  • Requesting suggestions for new features to be added on upcoming release 4.7
July '01
  • A tool for organizing all your email; better than putting them into folders!!!
  • Creating Organization charts within ManagePro.
  • New Help and Advisor files available for ManagePro.
  • Using SmartDraw to draw and attach your process flow diagrams to goals
June '01
  • Using our GAPRR model; here's how to build a view to display what's coming up on the
  • horizon.
  • Pulling data directly into ManagePro from existing Excel and Project Management tools.
  • Alliance partnership formed with WRC's E-Val Plus to give you a high powered survey/feedback tool.
May '01
  • What's the most commonly reported obstacle to successfully rolling out ManagePro? Don't read this section if you are already totally satisfied with your (your team's) use of ManagePro.
  • Review Writer 4.0; it's a natural and on special during the month of May!
  • ManagePro 4.5r (revised). If you have purchased 4.5, you can download it for free, check out what has been added.
  • A request from Boeing turns into a gift for you - the ability to hide subgoals created in the Individual Goal Planner at the Top Level, even if they are sub-goals of a Top Level Goal.
  • Do you need alarms for meetings or todos in ManagePro 4.5? Here's how to get them and other
  • tips on syncing events to either Palm or Outlook
April '01
  • 10 things you need to know about ManagePro 4.5
  • Email Management - slim and very powerful.
  • We need feedback from you on two new additions in 4.5
March '01
  • ManagePro Tip: How to post reports to the web or use as email attachments
  • Workshop Observation & Tip: Maximizing performance with your Action Plan
  • ManagePro 4.5 releasing this month: Special price in March for current 4.0 users!!!
February '01
  • ManagePro tip: Working with documents on the web.
  • Follow-up on last month announcements - Workshop details!
  • New Concurrent licensing available for Web-enabled Team version.
  • Tool sites on the web
January '01
  • ManagePro tip: using checkpoints to keep you on track all year.
  • It is annual review time and we can help at 50% off!
  • Upcoming management workshop.
  • Reader tips, tools from the web
December '00
  • Creating an easy, powerful review for each of your direct reports.
  • ManagePro as a work management system
  • ManagePro as a knowledge management system
  • Two Tips for the end of the year and next
November '00
  • Tips from our consulting group on the organization of your Top Level Goal Planner.
  • Basic Tips for creating a performance based review for your employees.
  • Evaluating your use of ManagePro and using our consulting services
  • Seeing is believing - a link to try out the web-enabled version of ManagePro
October '00
  • ManagePro is now WEB-enabled.
  • Linking your Strategic Goals to Operational Projects.
  • Tips for Flagging Updated Goals.
  • Requesting User Input
September '00
  • Focusing your To-do list .
  • Two more things about To-dos.
  • Check-in on your goals.
  • What's new with ManagePro
August '00
  • Top 7 features in the calendar
  • Solving common business questions with the calendar
  • What's available when integrating the calendar with Outlook - Palm Pilot devices.
  • What's new this month at Performance Solutions Technology.
July '00
  • Best Practices Audit
  • Recognizing and Resolving Obstacles
  • Build a quick report to view an individual's latest progress notes.
  • What's new this month at Performance Solutions Technology.
June '00
  • Tips & Topics - Staff Meetings
  • Free Training!
May '00
  • How to get much, MUCH MORE out of your Top Level Goal Planner.
  • What's New
September '99
  • Successful Team Roll-outs; the Value of Buy-in vs. Consensus.
  • When to use ManagePro versus MS Project (or similar products).
  • Importing Data from MSProject into ManagePro.
March '99
  • The Challenge of Managing Information.
  • Knowledge Management and the Value of Shared Information.
  • Document Launching Limitations in the current version of ManagePro and the Fix.
October '98
  • Success Starts with Responding to the Why Questions.
  • Best Practices in Implementing New Software Tools.
  • ManagePro User Life-Cycle
