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Case Studies

Industry: Architectural Design - Fred Zonzius

How long have you been using ManagePro and in what type of environment?

I have been using it for six years to manage a small architecture firm of less than 10.

What are the three biggest benefits you’ve experienced?

  1. The ability to cross reference to-dos across each phase of each job and come up with a comprehensive list for each staff member that is prioritized and organized across projects is invaluable. They know what to do next, every day, every week.
  2. Its flexibility. Every day things change, people change, dates change. This system allows me to easily update the projects with the changing information and, in real time, update each person’s to-do list.
  3. The ease and adaptability of the reporting part of the program. It allows me to manage my customers and what they committed to do. I can send a report with just the information I want to each of my key clients, which saves me time and keeps the job on schedule.

What would you advise others using or deciding to use ManagePro?

As a small architecture firm we’ve tried all the packages. Time is critical and in every project there’s a ton of detail to manage along the way. We couldn’t find another package that would manage every detail like ManagePro does. And as all of you out there in similar small businesses know, it’s the attention to detail that slips when you get busy. At the same time it’s the attention to detail that makes your customer happy. We only use 3% of the program’s features and it creates incredible value for us.

What does the screen represent in terms of your usage of ManagePro?

Phases of a project.

Click on Image to See Screen Representation

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