Regardless of the form of the collaboration software, we've learned that people (based upon our work with organizations all over the world) approach the use of collaboration software with one of two goals:
1) To make work life easier
2) To create a performance improvement
If you are searching for a solution that will enable sharing of to-do lists, calendars and documents, you're probably in the "make it easier" camp.
Our experience suggests that if you are deploying collaboration software to make life easier, you'll find that the solution will ultimately be much more widely adopted by your group if you push it beyond just sharing to-do lists, calendars and documents! Successful deployment of collaboration software requires generating a performance improvement that is applicable to multiple layers of the organization - improvements that makes things better, that create value for you and your team. That will help you share the leverage that comes from being in the "improve performance" camp. We've designed a series of steps to help you choosing the right software on the right. But first, we would like to share a secret about collaboration software we see over and over again:
Collaboration Secret #1
Collaboration software creates the most value when it:
Helps management solve the key problem of "Follow-up on the follow-through"... to what's been assigned via a set of shared goals, tasks, plan, values and/or mission.
Bet you’re finding the process of finding the right software a time consuming challenge
Straight talk to managers shopping for project & performance management software - 7 key steps to selecting the right software.
Start with what you know, then...
Honor the 80-20 rule and ...
The software must solve the BIG 3
After the facts, you must resolve 2 fears
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